This is a shrine for my baby girl, Penny. She was a guardian angel to me during a very hard time in my life and decided that her job was done just a week before my move to Germany.

est 4/20/2020 - 6/9/2023

I got Penny at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, during lockdown. My partner at the time and I went over to my Mum's house because a feral cat in her backyard had recently had kittens, and we thought it would be fun to just watch them play. All the kittens were some variety of grey or dark colored... except Penny, who was bright white and very visible even in the tall grass. I knew for sure she was going to get eaten by a hawk or some other predator if I didn't take her home. She was pissed and hissing up a storm but was immediately sweet to the vet techs giving her first checkup just half an hour later. She was an incredibly charismatic little cat and charmed the socks off of anyone that met her.

She loved this blanket as a baby. I still haven't finished it, but it makes me think of her every time I take it out.

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calico cat being cute on scratching tree

Commission by spaceybird on Discord

stylized cartoon illustration of anthro calico cat with angel wings and halo, wearing a grey hoodie
Neon Sign